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Whites : Season 1 Episode 1

Racial/ethnic differences in overall drowning rates varied by each year of age (Figure 1). The highest rates for all three groups presented were among children aged 1 year, with rates for whites (5.22 per 100,000 population) higher than those for Hispanics (4.14), and rates for Hispanics higher than those for black children (2.98). Between the ages of 1 year and 5 years, drowning rates decreased significantly for each racial/ethnic group (83% for whites, 85% for Hispanics, and 43% for blacks). However, the drowning rates for black children were significantly higher than those for whites and Hispanics at every age from 5 years through 18 years. The greatest disparity for blacks compared with whites and Hispanics was at age 10 years (rate ratios of 4.2 and 5.3, respectively).

Whites : Season 1 Episode 1

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Alternate Text: The figure above shows the rates of fatal unintentional drowning in swimming pools and natural water settings among persons aged 1-28 years, by age groups and race/ethnicy in the United States during 1999-2010. Rates of pool drowning among blacks were significantly higher than those for whites for ages 5-6 through 27-28 years and higher than those for Hispanics for ages 3-4 through 19-20 years; rate ratios were highest at ages 11-12 years for both comparisons (10.4 and 6.4, respectively).

Background and purpose: Stroke incidence and mortality are declining rapidly in developed countries. Little data on ethnic-specific stroke recurrence trends exist. Fourteen-year stroke recurrence trend estimates were evaluated in Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites in a population-based study.

Results: From January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2013 (N=3571), the cumulative incidence of 1-year recurrence in Mexican Americans decreased from 9.26% (95% CI, 6.9%-12.43%) in 2000 to 3.42% (95% CI, 2.25%-5.21%) in 2013. Among non-Hispanic whites, the cumulative incidence of 1-year recurrence in non-Hispanic whites decreased from 5.67% (95% CI, 3.74%-8.62%) in 2000 to 3.59% (95% CI, 2.27%-5.68%) in 2013. The significant ethnic disparity in stroke recurrence existed in 2000 (risk difference, 3.59% [95% CI, 0.94%-6.22%]) but was no longer seen by 2013 (risk difference, -0.17% [95% CI, -1.96% to 1.5%]). The competing 1-year mortality risk was stable over time among Mexican Americans, while for non-Hispanic whites it was decreasing over time (difference between 2000 and 2013: -4.67% [95% CI, -8.72% to -0.75%]).

To be sure, some economic and educational differences between blacks and whites have narrowed over time. While blacks are more than twice as likely as whites to be living in poverty, this actually reflects a marked improvement since the mid-1970s when blacks were almost four times as likely as whites to be poor. And the white-black gap in high school completion rates has almost disappeared since the 1960s, though blacks are still significantly less likely than whites to graduate from college.

The remainder of this chapter explores major differences in social and economic well-being across racial and ethnic groups, with particular focus on the persistence in the disparities between blacks and whites in recent decades. The first section examines in greater depth racial differences in educational attainment. Later sections explore various economic outcomes, including measures of family income, wealth and homeownership, poverty and unemployment. The chapter concludes with sections on racial differences in family structure, including non-marital birth rates, child living arrangements and marriage rates.

Whites are also slightly more likely than blacks to have completed high school. However, the black-white gap in high school completion has narrowed substantially over the past half century, driven in part by dramatic increases in high school completion for blacks. 7 In 1964, just 27% of blacks ages 25 and older had a high school diploma, while today the share is 88%. By comparison, 51% of whites in 1964 had a diploma, versus 93% today.

Hispanic high school completion rates have roughly doubled since the early 1970s, yet a white-Hispanic gap persists in this measure, too. Today, two-thirds of Hispanics have a high school diploma, compared with about nine-in-ten whites (93%).

In 2014, the Asian poverty rate (12%) was just slightly higher than that of whites. This marks a narrowing of the white-Asian gap, driven primarily by the declining share of Asians who are poor. In 1987 (the first year that poverty data regarding Asians are available), 16% of Asians were living in poverty, compared with 9% of whites.

The racial and ethnic differences in median net worth are driven in part by differences in homeownership. White householders have consistently higher rates of homeownership than racial and ethnic minorities. For instance, 72% of white householders own their own home, compared with 43% of black householders. As is the case with household wealth, the white-black gap in homeownership is also widening somewhat; in 1976, the homeownership rate among blacks was 44% vs. 69% for whites.

While Asians still trail whites in terms of homeownership, that gap has been narrowing. Today 57% of Asian householders are homeowners, while in 1988, when data on Asians first became available, the Asian homeownership rate was 49% vs. 69% among white householders.

Just 3.6% of Asians are unemployed today. Asian unemployment has mostly been on par with whites since 1988 when comparable data for Asians was first available. Today Asians are slightly less likely than whites to be unemployed.

Non-marital births are far more common among blacks than whites. In 2014, roughly seven-in-ten (71%) births to black women occurred outside of marriage, compared with 29% of births to white women. This gap in non-marital childbearing is a longstanding one. In 1970, fully 38% of all births to black women occurred outside of marriage, compared with just 6% among white women. By 1990, 67% of births to black women were non-marital, versus 17% among white women.

While the likelihood of living with a single parent has increased markedly since 1970 for whites, blacks and Hispanics, that is not the case for Asian children. In 1970, one-in-ten were living with only a single parent, and by 2014 that share increased slightly to 13%.

The marriage rate has declined across racial and ethnic groups, but the drop has been particularly dramatic among blacks. In 2014, some 35% of black adults ages 25 and older were married, compared with 60% of whites. In 1970, this gap was considerably smaller: Fully 60% of blacks and 76% of whites were married at that time.

Across all groups, the declines in marriage have been driven largely by increasing shares of people who have never married. This is especially common among blacks; more than one-third of those ages 25 and older have never married, compared with just 17% of whites ages 25 and older.

Divorce, too, contributes to racial and ethnic differences in the likelihood of being married. Marriages involving black women tend to be less stable than those of whites, Hispanics or Asians. About 56% of first marriages of black women will last until their tenth anniversary, compared with 68% among marriages of white women.

Typically more education is linked to higher marriage rates, and the relatively low educational attainment of blacks is one factor underlying the low prevalence of marriage in this group. However, even controlling for education, racial differences persist. For instance, among college graduates, less than half (46%) of blacks were married in 2014, compared with 67% of whites.

Episode 3.1InformationSeason 3, Episode 1Air dateMay 5, 2016Written bySteven KnightDirected byTim MielantsEpisode guidePreviousNextEpisode 2.6Episode 3.2"Episode 3.1" is the first episode of the third series of Peaky Blinders and the thirteenth episode overall. It aired on May 5, 2016.

Many of the best Breaking Bad quotes belong to Walter because, aside from the fact that he's the main character, the part of Walter White is a clearly defined dual role. He's both the thoughtful family man known as Walt and the ruthless criminal kingpin that he dubs Heisenberg. As a result, he gets the lion's share of speeches and monologues throughout Breaking Bad, becoming more commanding and frightening with each passing season. The best Walter White quotes range from hilarious to chilling.

This line, spoken in the pilot episode of the series to Walt's students while he's teaching a chemistry class, establishes the premise of the entire show. The line explains what chemistry is all about but, in a way, it also foreshadows Walt's own personal transformation. Using chemistry, Walt not only found himself changing his financial position and setting his family up to be taken care of after he was gone, but he also saw it change his personality, confidence, desire, and obsession with power. There was a lot more subtle meaning behind this comment than may have been first apparent.

This funny Walter White line is one of the most iconic moments from early on in Breaking Bad as he makes his feelings about his boss at the carwash, the bushy-browed Bogdan (Marius Stan), unequivocally clear. It comes early on in the pilot episode, but it had already been outlined to viewers by this point that Walt had been mistreated at his job for quite a while before his outburst. Overworked, underpaid, and now faced with a terminal cancer diagnosis, Walt finally snaps. He'd been shown to be a polite and calm individual up until this point, so seeing Walt suddenly change like this was viewers' first taste of Heisenberg.

Walter White and Jesse Pinkman had a very love/hate relationship throughout the series, and this quote sums that up nicely. Walt mocks Jesse's intelligence a lot in the show, and this is a very harsh example of it. However, it does highlight exactly how Walt behaves, having totally lost his filter concerning what he will say to others. However, as harrowing as their ordeal in the desert is in this episode, it also showcases the pair at their most cartoonish, and it's hard not to laugh at the classic setup of an arrogant mastermind and his dim but likable assistant. 041b061a72

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